Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Saving Private Ryan (1998)

I know I haven't officially started the 52 weeks yet but a friend of mine on Facebook recommended this one.

His direct comment was that he believes that every American should see this film by the time they are 16.  So what did I think of the movie?  I would give it a 4.5 out of 5.  What's not to like here?  Triumph, tragedy and the American spirit too. 

The only caution I would have is that there is a lot of blood (of course) and the story can be tear-jerking at times too.  If you have any family members who have served, this can really shed alot of light on what they have been through.

A big thanks to all of the men and women out there who have risked their lives to defend my freedom.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Looking forward to 2014

Starting the first week of 2014 I will be reviewing one movie per week.  There is no rhyme or reason to the movies chosen the only specification is that they must be new to me at the time.  There will be some new releases, some classics but most will be fairly recent as in within the last few years.  Recommendations are always accepted.